Characteristics of ERP…
- Package Software
- Seamless Integrate the majority of business’s process
- Process the majority of an organization’s transactions.
- Use a data warehouse.
- Allow access to data in “real time”.
- Integrated transaction processing and planning activities.
- Financial and business information is often generated automatically by ERP systems based on the data previously entered, without further human instruction.
- It is difficult to make changes after an ERP system has been implemented.
- ERP requires business process reengineering as a precursor to its introduction because ERP systems are centred round world best practise business rules.
- Before starting implementation, the phase of GAP analysis must be completed to reduce the cost of Implementation.
- An ERP system should be flexible to respond to the changing needs of an organization.
- ERP system has to have open system architecture. This means that any module can be interfaced or detached whenever required without affecting the other modules.
- It should be support multiple hardware platforms for the companies having heterogeneous collection of system. It must support some third party add-ons also.
- It must have collection of the best business processes applicable world-wide.
- Last but not list, it must simulate the reality of business processes on the computers. In no way it should have the control beyond the business processes and it must be able to assign accountabilities to the users controlling the system.